World Development Report 2021
At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on the global economy, bringing to the fore global data inequalities. How do we tap the full value of data, ensuring equitable access for poor people? What reforms are needed in data governance to protect individuals, businesses, and societies from harm?
this Report develops a conceptual framework that links data to development through three institutional pathways.
Harnessing the value of data for the poor
Data can improve people’s lives in many ways. However, economic and
political factors typically prevent benefits from being shared equitably.
The value of data for development is largely untapped. Realizing data’s
full value entails repeatedly reusing and repurposing data in creative
ways to promote economic and social development.
The challenge is to develop a trusted environment that safeguards against
harmful misuse of data as they are exchanged between parties and
enables data to be created, reused, and repurposed.
A strong data governance framework, composed of appropriate policies,
laws, regulations, and institutions, is needed to ensure that the full value
of data is realized and shared safely and equitably