Plastic pollution could slash by 80 percent by 2040


Plastic pollution could slash by 80 percent by 2040 if countries and companies make profound policy and market shifts. The new UNEP report said. Studies show that reuse systems provide the highest opportunity to reduce plastic pollution by replacing some unnecessary products.

The report said the first step is to eliminate unnecessary plastics, such as excessive packaging. Then next steps are to increase the reuse of plastics, such as refillable bottles, boost recycling and replace plastics with greener alternatives.

Such a shift, driven by government policies and changes in the plastic industry, would mean plastic pollution would drop to about 40m tons in 2040, rather than 227m tons if no action is taken. The report said the changes would bring benefits worth trillions of dollars between now and 2040.

An economically viable solution for all stakeholders does exist to achieve an end to plastic pollution. A transformed plastics economy will introduce new
economic benefits by bringing new business opportunities, particularly for those who adapt faster.

By 2040, a new plastics economy could create opportunities for jobs, income, and innovation. It would create 700,000 additional jobs, and improve the livelihoods of
millions of workers in informal settings. When the direct, environmental, and social cost savings are added up, more than USD 4.5 trillion are saved, or 20.3 percent reduction in costs overall.

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