Uttar Pradesh Equates Afghanistan in IMR

Nearly 60 of every 1,000 children born in Uttar Pradesh die before their fifth birthday, almost as many as in Afghanistan, according to National Family Health Survey 

In India, 42 of every 1,000 children die before attending 5years of age. Afghanistan (60.3/1,000) and Pakistan (67.2/1,000) are the only countries in South Asia, where the child mortality rate is higher than that of India.

The 10 Indian states with the highest child mortality rates compared with Afghanistan, and countries in eastern and southern Africa. As many as 16 of 34 Indian states and union territories in India have child mortality rates compared with countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

Over a third of Indian children stunted

Stunting (where a child is short for their age) and wasting (where the child’s weight is low for their height) are indicators of children’s nutrition level.

Maharashtra (25.6%) and Gujarat (25.1%) have the most wasted and severely wasted children in the country.

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